A Podcast
to discover what defines Leadership.

The interview podcast about inspiring leaders and the motivations and values behind these people.

About Leaders Talk

Leadership needs inspiration.   

This is exactly what the Leaders Talk interview podcast aims to provide for its listeners. In German and English, we portray leaders from various sectors who identify with our vision of Better Leadership – Better Organizations – Better World and share their own philosophy of life with us. Our guests are executives, thought leaders, social entrepreneurs and politicians.

In our podcast, we talk about their personal stories, but also about the motivations and values that have led them to follow their exciting path. 

Latest Episode
Ep. 98: Myriam Bechtoldt

Im Gespräch mit Karsten diskutiert Myriam über die Klimakrise und wie man Menschen dazu motivieren kann, sich zu engagieren. Zudem beleuchtet sie die Herausforderungen von Frauen in Führungspositionen und die Bedeutung emotionaler Intelligenz im Leadership. Außerdem teilt sie ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen als Frau in der Wissenschaft und erzählt, welchen Einfluss Zeitschrift Brigitte auf ihr Leben hatte.

Ep. 98

Myriam Bechtoldt

Ep. 97

Kai Lanz

Ep. 96

Peter Holmark

Ep. 94

Anja Wassertheurer

Ep. 93

Niko Warbanoff

Ep. 92

Christian Andres

Leaders Talk -

Meet the Host

Karsten Drath

Meet the Host

Karsten Drath

The host and presenter is Karsten Drath, who, with his many years of management experience in various international positions, can tell many exciting stories himself, but is just as interested in the experiences of his fellow human beings.

That’s why he launched the podcast in June 2020 and has been talking to one of his guests every other week ever since. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family and riding his bike around the world.

Leadership is about inspiration.

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